How during the ritual prayer Daqúqí heard cries of distress from a ship that was about to sink. شنیدن دقوقی در میان نماز افغان آن کشتی کی غرق خواست شدن
آن دقوقی در امامت کرد ساز اندر آن ساحل در آمد در نماز
Daqúqí made ready to act as Imám: he began to perform the ritual prayer on the shore,
و آن جماعت در پی او در قیام اینت زیبا قوم و بگزیده امام
While that company stood up behind him. Look you, a goodly company, and an elect Imám!
ناگهان چشمش سوی دریا فتاد چون شنید از سوی دریا داد داد
Of a sudden his eye turned towards the sea, because he heard (cries of) “Help! Help!” (coming) from the direction of the sea.
در میان موج دید او کشتیی در قضا و در بلا و زشتیی
He saw amidst the waves a ship in (the hour of its) fate, and in tribulation and an evil plight.
هم شب و هم ابر و هم موج عظیم این سه تاریکی و از غرقاب بیم
(There were) both night and clouds and huge waves: these three darknesses, and (also) fear of (being drowned in) the whirlpool.
تند بادی همچو عزرائیل خاست موجها آشوفت اندر چپ و راست
A fierce wind, like ‘Azrá’íl, arose; the waves tossed on left and right.
اهل کشتی از مهابت کاسته نعره وا ویلها برخاسته
The people in the ship were faint with terror: cries of woe had arisen,
دستها در نوحه بر سر میزدند کافر و ملحد همه مخلص شدند
And in lamentation they were beating their heads with their hands: infidel and deist they all had become sincere (in devotion to God),
با خدا با صد تضرع آن زمان عهدها و نذرها کرده بجان
Making heartfelt promises and vows to God with a hundred humble entreaties in that hour.
سر برهنه در سجود آنها که هیچ رویشان قبله ندید از پیچ پیچ
Bare-headed in the prostrate attitude (of Divine worship) were those whose faces, because of (their) perversity, had never seen the qibla at all.
گفته که بیفایدهست این بندگی آن زمان دیده در آن صد زندگی
They (formerly) said, “This worship of God is useless”; (but) in that hour (of despair) they saw a hundred lives (precious advantages) therein.
از همه اومید ببریده تمام دوستان و خال و عم بابا و مام
They had entirely abandoned hope of all of friends and maternal and paternal uncles and father and mother.
زاهد و فاسق شد آن دم متقی همچو در هنگام جان کندن شقی
At that moment ascetic and reprobate (alike) had become God-fearing as a wicked man at the time of the death-agony.
نه ز چپشان چاره بود و نه ز راست حیلهها چون مرد هنگام دعاست
Neither on the left nor on the right was there any help for them: when (all) expedients are dead, (then) is the time to invoke God.
در دعا ایشان و در زاری و آه بر فلک زیشان شده دود سیاه
They were (engaged) in invocation and lament and moaning: a black smoke went up from them to heaven.
دیو آن دم از عداوت بین بین بانگ زد کای سگپرستان علتین
Then the Devil cried in enmity, “Avaunt! Avaunt! O dog-worshippers, (ye shall be afflicted with) two maladies.
مرگ و جسک ای اهل انکار و نفاق عاقبت خواهد بدن این اتفاق
Death and woe (to you)! O unbelievers and hypocrites, this will befall (you) in the end,
چشمتان تر باشد از بعد خلاص که شوید از بهر شهوت دیو خاص
(That) after deliverance ye will rejoice to become peculiar devils for the sake of (gratifying) your lust,
یادتان ناید که روزی در خطر دستتان بگرفت یزدان از قدر
And will not remember that in the day of peril God took your hands (to save you) from His decree.”
این همیآمد ندا از دیو لیک این سخن را نشنود جز گوش نیک
This cry was coming from the Devil; but these words are unheard except by a good ear.
راست فرمودست با ما مصطفی قطب و شاهنشاه و دریای صفا
Mustafá (Mohammed), the Pole and the Emperor and the Sea of Purity, has told us truly,
کانچ جاهل دید خواهد عاقبت عاقلان بینند ز اول مرتبت
That what the ignorant will see in the end the wise see from the first step.
کارها ز آغاز اگر غیبست و سر عاقل اول دید و آخر آن مصر
If matters are hidden and secret at the beginning, the wise man sees at first, while that obstinate one (sees) at last.
اولش پوشیده باشد و آخر آن عاقل و جاهل ببیند در عیان
The beginning thereof is concealed, and both the wise man and the ignorant will see the end in (the moment of its) manifestation;
گر نبینی واقعهی غیب ای عنود حزم را سیلاب کی اندر ربود
(But) if you, O contumacious one, do not see the hidden event (before it comes to pass) when did the torrent sweep away your prudence?
حزم چه بود بدگمانی بر جهان
دم بدم بیند بلای ناگهان
What is prudence? To think ill of the world. He (the prudent man) at every moment will (expect to) see a sudden calamity.
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi, Persian Poetry)
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