Story حکایت
خانهی نو ساخت روزی نو مرید
پیر آمد خانهی او را بدید
A novice one day built a new house; the Pír came (and) saw his house.
گفت شیخ آن نو مرید خویش را
امتحان کرد آن نکو اندیش را
The Shaykh said to his new disciple he put to the test him that had good thoughts.
روزن از بهر چه کردی ای رفیق
گفت تا نور اندر آید زین طریق
“Wherefore hast thou made a window, O comrade?” Said he, “In order that light may come in by this way.”
گفت آن فرع است این باید نیاز
تا از این ره بشنوی بانگ نماز
He (the Shaykh) said, “That is (only) the branch (secondary object); (thy) want (desire) must be this, (namely) that through this channel thou mayst hear the call to prayer.”
بایزید اندر سفر جستی بسی
تا بیابد خضر وقت خود کسی
Báyazíd, on his journey (to the Ka‘ba), sought much to find some one that was the Khizr of his time.
دید پیری با قدی همچون هلال
دید در وی فر و گفتار رجال
He espied an old man with a stature (bent) like the new moon; he saw in him the majesty and (lofty) speech of (holy) men;
دیده نابینا و دل چون آفتاب
همچو پیلی دیده هندستان به خواب
His eyes sightless, and his heart (illumined) as the sun: like an elephant dreaming of Hindustán.
چشم بسته خفته بیند صد طرب
چون گشاید آن نبیند ای عجب
With closed eyes, asleep, he beholds a hundred delights; when he opens (his eyes), he sees not those (delights) oh, (’tis) wonderful!
بس عجب در خواب روشن میشود
دل درون خواب روزن میشود
Many a wonder is made manifest in sleep: in sleep the heart becomes a window.
آن که بیدار است و بیند خواب خوش
عارف است او خاک او در دیده کش
One that is awake and dreams fair dreams, he is the knower (of God): smear your eyes with his dust.
پیش او بنشست و میپرسید حال
یافتش درویش و هم صاحب عیال
He (Báyazíd) sat down before him and asked about his condition; he found him to be a dervish and also a family man.
گفت عزم تو کجا ای بایزید
رخت غربت را کجا خواهی کشید
He (the old man) said, “Whither art thou bound, O Báyazíd? To what place wouldst thou take the baggage of travel in a strange land?”
گفت قصد کعبه دارم از پگه
گفت هین با خود چه داری زاد ره
Báyazíd answered, “I start for the Ka‘ba at daybreak.” “Eh,” cried the other, “what hast thou as provisions for the road?”
گفت دارم از درم نقره دویست
نک ببسته سخت در گوشهی ردی است
“I have two hundred silver dirhems,” said he; “look, (they are) tied fast in the corner of my cloak.”
گفت طوفی کن به گردم هفت بار
وین نکوتر از طواف حج شمار
He said, “Make a circuit round me seven times, and reckon this (to be) better than the circumambulation (of the Ka‘ba) in the pilgrimage;
و آن درمها پیش من نهای جواد
دان که حج کردی و حاصل شد مراد
And lay those dirhems before me, O generous one. Know that thou hast made the greater pilgrimage and that thy desire has been achieved;
عمره کردی عمر باقی یافتی
صاف گشتی بر صفا بشتافتی
(That) thou hast (also) performed the lesser pilgrimage and gained the life everlasting; (that) thou hast become pure (sáf) and sped up (the Hill of) Purity (Safá).
حق آن حقی که جانت دیده است
که مرا بر بیت خود بگزیده است
By the truth of the Truth (God) whom thy soul hath seen, (I swear) that He hath chosen me above His House.
کعبه هر چندی که خانهی بر اوست
خلقت من نیز خانهی سر اوست
Albeit the Ka‘ba is the House of His religious service, my form too, in which I was created, is the House of His inmost consciousness.
تا بکرد آن کعبه را در وی نرفت
و اندر این خانه بجز آن حی نرفت
Never since God made the Ka‘ba hath He gone into it, and none but the Living (God) hath ever gone into this House (of mine).
چون مرا دیدی خدا را دیدهای
گرد کعبهی صدق بر گردیدهای
When thou hast seen me, thou hast seen God: thou hast circled round the Ka‘ba of Sincerity.
خدمت من طاعت و حمد خداست
تا نپنداری که حق از من جداست
To serve me is to obey and glorify God: beware thou think not that God is separate from me.
چشم نیکو باز کن در من نگر
تا ببینی نور حق اندر بشر
Open thine eyes well and look on me, that thou mayst behold the Light of God in man.”
بایزید آن نکتهها را هوش داشت
همچو زرین حلقهاش در گوش داشت
Báyazíd gave heed to those mystic sayings, and put them in his ear as a golden ring.
آمد از وی بایزید اندر مزید
منتهی در منتها آخر رسید
Through him (the old man), Báyazíd came into an increase (of spiritual endowment): the adept at last attained unto the end.
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi)
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