The sending of Michael

The sending of Michael, on whom be peace, to take a handful of clay from the Earth for putting together the frame of the blessed body of the Father of Mankind, the Vicegerent of God, Adam, on whom be peace, the Adored of the Angels and their Teacher. فرستادن میکائیل را علیه‌السلام به قبض حفنه‌ای خاک از زمین جهت ترکیب ترتیب جسم مبارک ابوالبشر خلیفة الحق مسجود الملک و معلمهم آدم علیه‌السلام

گفت میکائیل را تو رو به زیر مشت خاکی در ربا از وی چو شیر
He (God) said to Michael, “Do thou go down and seize, like a lion, a handful of clay from her.”
چونک میکائیل شد تا خاکدان دست کرد او تا که برباید از آن
When Michael reached the Earth, he put forth his hand to seize (the clay) from her.
خاک لرزید و درآمد در گریز گشت او لابه‌کنان و اشک‌ریز
The Earth trembled and began to flee (recoil): she became suppliant and shed tears.
سینه سوزان لابه کرد و اجتهاد با سرشک پر ز خون سوگند داد
Her breast burning (with grief), she made supplication and earnest entreaty: with bloody tears she adjured (him),
که به یزدان لطیف بی‌ندید که بکردت حامل عرش مجید
Saying, “(I beseech thee) by the gracious incomparable God who hath made thee the bearer of the majestic Throne.
کیل ارزاق جهان را مشرفی تشنگان فضل را تو مغرفی
Thou art the overseer for measuring (and dispensing) the world’s means of sustenance: thou art the ladler to them that thirst for the (Divine) bounty”
زانک میکائیل از کیل اشتقاق دارد و کیال شد در ارتزاق
Because (the name) Míká’íl (Michael) is derived from kayl (measure), and he has become the measurer (kayyál) in dispensation of the means of subsistence.
که امانم ده مرا آزاد کن بین که خون‌آلود می‌گویم سخن
“Give me quarter, set me free! See how I am uttering words stained with blood.”
معدن رحم اله آمد ملک گفت چون ریزم بر آن ریش این نمک
The Angel is a mine of God’s mercy: he (Michael) said, “How should I sprinkle this salt on that wound?”
هم‌چنانک معدن قهرست دیو که برآورد از نبی آدم غریو
Just as the Devil is a mine of (God’s) wrath, for he has raised up a roar (of lamentation) from the sons of Adam.
سبق رحمت بر غضب هست ای فتا لطف غالب بود در وصف خدا
The precedence of Mercy over Wrath exists (as a fact), O youth: clemency was (eternally) predominant in the nature of God.
بندگان دارند لابد خوی او مشکهاشان پر ز آب جوی او
His (chosen) servants necessarily possess His disposition: their water-skins are filled from the water of His stream.
آن رسول حق قلاوز سلوک گفت الناس علی دین الملوک
The Messenger of God and the Guide on the (mystic) journey said that men follow the usage of their kings.
رفت میکائیل سوی رب دین خالی از مقصود دست و آستین
Michael went (back) to the Lord of the Judgement, with hand and sleeve empty of the object of his quest.
گفت ای دانای سر و شاه فرد خاک از زاری و گریه بسته کرد
He said, “O Knower of the secret, O peerless King, the Earth bound me (tied my hands) by lamenting and weeping.
آب دیده پیش تو با قدر بود من نتانستم که آرم ناشنود
Tears were (ever) precious with Thee: I could not feign not to have heard.
آه و زاری پیش تو بس قدر داشت من نتانستم حقوق آن گذاشت
Moaning and wailing (ever) had great value with Thee: I could not leave their rights unheeded.
پیش تو بس قدر دارد چشم تر من چگونه گشتمی استیزه‌گر
With Thee the moist eye is much prized: how should I have become quarrelsome in resisting (her)?”
دعوت زاریست روزی پنج بار بنده را که در نماز آ و بزار
There is a summons to the servant (of God) to lamentation five times a day “come to (perform) the ritual prayer, and make lament.”
نعره‌ی مذن که حیا عل فلاح وآن فلاح این زاری است و اقتراح
The muezzin’s cry is “hasten to welfare,” and that welfare is this lamentation and petitioning.
آن که خواهی کز غمش خسته کنی راه زاری بر دلش بسته کنی
He whom Thou wishest to make sorrow-stricken Thou dost bar against his heart the way to lamentation,
تا فرو آید بلا بی‌دافعی چون نباشد از تضرع شافعی
In order that affliction may descend (upon him) without (there being) anything to repel it, when there is no intercessor (in the form) of humble entreaty;
وانک خواهی کز بلااش وا خری جان او را در تضرع آوری
And (on the other hand) Thou dost lead to humble entreaty the spirit of him whom Thou wishest to redeem from affliction.
گفته‌ای اندر نبی که آن امتان که بریشان آمد آن قهر گران
Thou hast said in the Qur’án that (as regards) those peoples on which that heavy vengeance fell,
چون تضرع می‌نکردند آن نفس تا بلا زیشان بگشتی باز پس
Twas because at that moment they would not make humble entreaty that the affliction might be averted from them;
لیک دلهاشان چون قاسی گشته بود آن گنههاشان عبادت می‌نمود
But since their hearts had been hardened, their sins appeared (to them) as obedient service (rendered to God).
تا نداند خویش را مجرم عنید آب از چشمش کجا داند دوید
Until the sinner deems himself rebellious, how can tears run from his eye?




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