Story of the blind old man’s reading the Qur’án in front (of him) and regaining his sight when he read. قصهی خواندن شیخ ضریر مصحف را در رو و بینا شدن وقت قرائت
دید در ایام آن شیخ فقیر مصحفی در خانهی پیری ضریر
Once upon a time a dervish Shaykh saw a Qur’án in the house of a blind old man.
پیش او مهمان شد او وقت تموز هر دو زاهد جمع گشته چند روز
He became his guest in (the month) Tamúz: the two ascetics were together for several days.
گفت اینجا ای عجب مصحف چراست چونک نابیناست این درویش راست
He said (to himself), “Oh, I wonder what the Book is (here) for, as this righteous dervish is blind.”
اندرین اندیشه تشویشش فزود که جز او را نیست اینجا باش و بود
(Whilst he was occupied) in this reflection, his perplexity increased: (he said to himself), “No one lives here except him.
اوست تنها مصحفی آویخته من نیم گستاخ یا آمیخته
He is alone, (and yet) he has hung a Book (on the wall). I am not (so) unmannerly or muddled (in my wits)
تا بپرسم نه خمش صبری کنم تا به صبری بر مرادی بر زنم
As to ask (him the reason). Nay, hush! I will be patient, in order that by patience I may gain my object.”
صبر کرد و بود چندی در حرج کشف شد کالصبر مفتاح الفرج
He showed patience and was in a quandary for some time, (till at last) it (the secret) was disclosed, for patience is the key to joy (relief).
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by: Reza about (category: Masnavi, Persian Poetry)
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