How to Learn Persian: 5 Useful Tips to Improve Your Language Skills

There are many reasons why you might be sitting in front of your screen, looking for information on how to learn Persian. Maybe you are a foreigner in Iran who wants to dive into the community and culture of Iran. Or possibly you’ve just made the decision to learn Persian for fun – because why not?

No matter what your motivation is, but we think you’ll agree that learning Persian can seem difficult at first. Where do you start? How do you practice? How difficult is it really?

Today, we want to share with you 5 tips on how to learn Persian that have made Persian learning easier for you.

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1. Watch videos, movies, and series in Persian

This will help you learn Persian expressions used in all kinds of different situations that may be dramatic, funny, or intense… – in other words, easy to remember.

Especially when you are starting out, it’s a good idea to enable subtitles whenever possible. This way, you’ll be able to see how Persian words are spelled and how they are pronounced at the same time.

Here’s a tip if you stumble upon a funny, difficult, or interesting Persian expression: repeat it out loud, look up its meaning, and proudly call it a new part of your Persian vocabulary!

2. Use Spaced Repetition to Remember Your Lessons

This language learning hack is how your Persian lessons can be as effective as possible. If you use a method called spaced repetition, you can remember Persian words and grammar rules in your lessons. All you have to do is review your learning material periodically.

Actually, this way you can fight against your brain’s natural desire to forget. By reinforcing the importance of your lessons, you can commit every Persian vocabulary word to your long-term memory.

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3. Read in Persian

Another way to build your Persian skills is to read, read, and read some more. Persian Children’s books are a great way to start because they contain simple sentences and words. This makes it easier to remember new Persian words you might bump into.

The news is also a helpful candidate because it’s usually written using straightforward sentences and lined with images.

4. Use the Best Language Learning App

The best way to learn Persian is to have fun. That’s one of the most important tips for learning Persian. And what better way to consistently practice your Persian while also having fun than with a language-learning app?

5. Take Persian lessons

Learning any foreign language by yourself can be a tough nut to crack – because how do you know where to start and how to continue learning?

That’s why it is immensely helpful to know an expert teacher who can guide you through the process, answer your questions, and also give you the right exercises to put your skills to use. Attending Persian courses gives you access to all those things.

Are you too busy to go to Persian classes? You’ll be happy to hear that nowadays, this doesn’t keep you from being able to enjoy Persian lessons anymore. In Learn Persian Online, you can learn Persian online in a flexible, relaxed and participate actively in live lessons.

Additional tips

Listen and sing along to Persian music

Maybe this one also feels a little awkward at first. But: using music can help you learn Persian more efficiently.

Take a look around and ask your friends for good songs with Persian lyrics. And for the ultimate experience, learn to sing along with the music!

Almost, it’s impossible not to have fun doing this, no matter how good or horrible you are at singing. Additionally, whenever you bump into a new Persian word, you can learn how to pronounce it and look up what it means.

Find a language exchange partner

Another way to get talking is to find someone who speaks Persian and he/she is trying to get better at speaking your native language. This means that both of you benefit: you get to speak Persian some of the time, and the other person gets to speak your language with you. Depending on your locations, schedules, and preferences, you can meet over video call or in real life over a cup of coffee or in a restaurant.

social media groups can be very helpful here – you can find your local language exchange group and see who is looking for the same language pairing as you!

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