Persian Poetry

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Story of those who ate the young elephant

Story of those who ate the young elephant

Story of those who ate the young elephant from greed and because they neglected the advice of the sincere counsellor. قصه‌ی خورندگان پیل‌بچه از حرص و ترک نصیحت ناصح آن شنیدی تو که در هندوستان دید دانایی گروهی دوستان Hast thou heard that in India a sage espied a party of friends? گرسنه مانده شده […]

Proem سرآغاز

Proem سرآغاز

ای ضیاء الحق حسام الدین بیار این سوم دفتر که سنت شد سه بار O Light of the Truth, Husámu’ddín, bring (into verse and writing) this Third Book, for “three times” has become a sunna. بر گشا گنجینه‌ی اسرار را در سوم دفتر بهل اعذار را Open the treasury of mysteries; in respect of the […]

How the pilgrims were amazed

How the pilgrims were amazed