Persian Poetry

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Story of the mule’s complaining to the camel

Story of the mule’s complaining to the camel

Story of the mule’s complaining to the camel (and saying), “I often fall on my face when going along, while you seldom do so: why is this?” and the camel’s answer to him. قصه‌ی شکایت استر با شتر کی من بسیار در رو می‌افتم در راه رفتن تو کم در روی می‌آیی این چراست و […]

Explaining (the Verse)

Explaining (the Verse)

Explaining (the Verse), “O ye that believe, do not put (yourselves) forward in the presence of God and His Apostle.” Since thou art not the Prophet, be one of the religious community; since thou art not the sovereign, be a subject. بیان آنک یا ایها الذین آمنوا لا تقدموا بین یدی الله و رسوله چون […]

Explaining that the particular

Explaining that the particular

Commentary on the Tradition

Commentary on the Tradition

Story of the sons of ‘Uzayr

Story of the sons of ‘Uzayr

Explaining that the whole world

Explaining that the whole world

Story of the ascetic who, notwithstanding his destitution

Story of the ascetic who, notwithstanding his destitution

Explaining that the prince is Man

Explaining that the prince is Man

How the king’s prayer for the deliverance

How the king’s prayer for the deliverance

How the king chose the daughter

How the king chose the daughter

How the king brought his son a bride

How the king brought his son a bride

Story of the prince to whom the true kingdom

Story of the prince to whom the true kingdom