17 ways to Improve Persian Speaking in a Very Short Time

Are you someone who can read and write well in Persian but cannot speak fluently? In this article we are going to discuss 17 innovative ways you can improve Persian Speaking in a very short time.

Our Spoken Persian courses don’t teach textbook Persian because textbook Persian is not spoken by real Native Persian speakers on the “streets”. We teach real Farsi which is full of slang expressions, idioms and phrasal verbs

Remember, improving Persian speaking is not like learning History or Biology. You can’t learn Persian speaking just by learning theory.

You have to practice with Native Persian speakers frequently and learn how to speak naturally without mental translations.

This is how people who move to Persian speaking countries improve Persian so fast. They “talk” with Native Persian speakers.


Before we dive in to the 17 ways to improve Spoken Persian, we want to discuss with you 3 reasons why traditional Persian courses don’t make you fluent in Persian.

  • Reason 1

Traditional Persian courses try to “teach” you grammar. Instead our method will make you “feel” the correct Persian grammar. You will intuitively feel what correct grammar is.

  • Reason 2

Traditional Persian courses don’t give you much opportunities to practice speaking so this is a huge problem. At Spoken Persian Practice, students speak 70% during class. The only way to improve speaking Persian is by speaking

  • Reason 3

Traditional Persian courses are very boring. You memorize, you repeat.
This is not a good way to learn any language.
Our method is 100% conversation based. You talk about politics, stock market, technology, Society, your goals, etc. (If you are a child, you talk about, cartoons, sports, game, etc.)

Best Farsi Learning Resource!

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17 ways to Improve Persian Speaking (Most of these are Free)

1- Learn Real Conversational Persian, rather than the “proper” or book-taught language. Native speakers don’t speak textbook Persian. They use a lot of idioms, slang and figures of speech when they speak Persian.

2.) Use TED talks or Podcasts to listen to Persian regularly. Please listen as much as you can. You must be able to understand Persian when spoken to be able to speak back.

Here is a sample TED talk with subtitles:

3.) Keep a diary in Persian. Learn to express ideas in Persian. Your brain needs to learn to “think” in Persian, not your native language.

4.) Please avoid studying things such as the international phonetic alphabet. Learn pronunciation through your “ear”. No one ever improves their pronunciation and accent by watching someone else’s shape of the mouth! You improve Persian speaking by speaking, not watching.

5.) Learn as many Colloquialisms and Persian Idioms as possible.
Idioms and expressions in Persian are very many and varied.

6.) Never memorize Persian vocabulary, Rather learn how to actively absorb new words.

7.) Build on your Persian vocabulary gradually, beginning egocentrically. That is, begin with Persian words needed to communicate basic needs and wants. Then build your vocabulary outward, ultimately realizing the ability to express abstract thoughts and ideas in Persian.

8.) Never memorize Persian grammar rules, This is a complete waste of time.

Note: You don’t have to pay anyone to teach you Persian grammar. If you want to brush up on your basic grammar skills, please check out “Persian Grammar for Beginners”.

Our courses:

9.) The best way to improve Persian speaking is by practicing real conversational Persian with native teachers.

10.) Most Native Persian speakers don’t know some grammar rules. You don’t need to know all the rules of Persian grammar.

11.) Pick a Persian-speaking course that focuses on oral Persian, not writing or grammar.

12.) Join a Persian-speaking club on Skype or Google hangouts. Practice daily.

13.) Read good Persian articles from websites such as our website. You can pick articles that are more close to your profession. For example, If you are interested in history, you can read articles about the great civilization of Iran.

14.) Readout loud and compare the recording to native Persian speakers. You will understand where the gaps are. Also, hearing your own voice talking in Persian will make you feel more confident.

15.) Don’t be nervous about the wrong sentence structure or getting stuck while speaking Persian. The more you practice the easier it gets, AND you will only improve Persian speaking by practice. Remember, learning to speak Persian is ALL about practice.

16.) Most Persian learners need the most help with fluency. They often know a lot of Persian grammar and have good reading and writing skills from their lessons. but have often not had the opportunity to practice speaking Persian as much as they would like. Use “Farsi Conversations” to improve Persian speaking skills.

17.) Learn a new word a day and use it in real Persian conversations. You need to build an active vocabulary.

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