How to Learn Persian by Yourself

Do you want to learn Persian but don’t have time to go to a class?
Are you interested in learning Persian by yourself? Do you want to learn Persian faster and easier?

You’re not alone. Lots of people are on the lookout for the best way to learn Persian all on their own. In fact, there are a few useful tips to learn Persian fast and successfully by yourself!

Here are some essential tips for learning Persian and finding your perfect learning strategy.

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9 Best Ways to Learn Persian On Your Own

1. Talk to Yourself in Persian

Learning on your own means you might not have opportunities to speak Persian with others often. So create your own opportunities. Talk about whatever’s on your mind daily.
Talking to yourself in Persian serves two purposes.
The first is gaining experience speaking the language.
The second is organizing your thoughts in Persian. This makes practical use of your existing knowledge and it teaches you what to say in conversation

2. Get Into a Natural Rhythm.

By teaching yourself, you will become more familiar and attuned to your needs and wants.
Because you are alone, You have a great chance to figure out when your different techniques, are most effective for you.
Having a routine is important, so it’s worth the time and effort to create the right routine. If you’re inclined to watch a movie, watch an Iranian film instead. If you listen to the radio or music while you’re working or playing, listen to a Persian station or music. Even traditional forms of study, like reviewing flashcards, And you can do it with anything you enjoy, or you can do it before bed. Go to a park, a café or someplace that you like. Listen to lessons or podcasts when you are practicing or working.

3. Set Specific Goals

You need goals that will motivate you! For example, you might want to be able to read a particular book in Persian which is currently impossible. You might want to watch a Persian film without annoying subtitles. It helps you to think about your goals better than “I want to be able to speak Persian” or “I want to be fluent”. If you instead ask, “Why do I want to be fluent in Persian?” and make a list of things you enjoy doing, you will be better able to set a goal to improve yourself in learning Persian.

4. Check and Correct Yourself

One of the biggest hazards of studying a language on your own is reinforcing your own bad habits.
For example, if you are reading aloud, your pronunciation might be off. It can be tough to know when you’re doing something wrong without a teacher or partner, but it’s not impossible.

How to Get Your Grammar and Spelling Correction

Having a language exchange partner to correct your errors is a good idea. If you find someone who is trustworthy and likes to help you, that’s great. However, if you couldn’t find someone or you want to correct more of your texts, You can sign up, write a text and have it corrected by native speakers. Multiple sets of eyes on your work means more reliable proofreading, and even more so when you’re dealing with people who actually live with the language!

How to have a good accent?

Listen to or watch Persian movies or audio is good for your pronunciation and accent, but it might not be enough. If you already have audio programs in which speakers say a phrase and pause while you repeat, use it and it will probably help a lot. But we have a better solution: As soon as the person starts talking, start talking along with him/her. Ideally, you’ll want to speak almost simultaneously, but realistically you’ll probably wind up a little behind and it is normal, and don’t worry. Following closely behind the speaker like this allows you to grasp more of their accent and be able to better imitate it. It may seem strange for the first time you try, but it is a skill that can be learned through repetition and practice. This exercise is part of Alexander Arguelles’ “shadowing” method. This means you’ll have to devote less mental energy to your Persian while focusing doing other things and gesturing the end goal is to start speaking the language more naturally and easier, With less thinking and less time. It appears to have worked for a lot of people!

5. Invest in Quality Learning Materials

As it’s important to invest time in your Persian education, it’s also important to be willing to invest a little money. However, the best resources aren’t always the most expensive resources.
The best resources for you depend on your individual learning style and what you have.
In general, Learn Farsi in 100 Days is reliable, and it covers a variety of approaches and subjects.
Also, learn Persian workbooks offer simple, guided exercises. These are inexpensive, readily available.
A great place to find these resources and more is the Amazon Online Store. Especially half-price Persian books and reliable reference materials. Another great option to supplement your learning is on our website, Learn Persian Online. One of its great features is that there are always plenty of videos and lessons for each topic. There’s no better way to learn Persian words to perfection.

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6. Getting acquainted with Iranian culture

Getting acquainted with Iranian culture is easy through interaction with Persian culture. You can watch Persian movies, listen to Persian music and radio, read Persian publications, eat Persian food, and so on. This is a great technique to get acquainted with this culture. Now, the worst-case scenario here is that you’re under the impression that you hate Persian people and Persian culture and you’re only learning the language out of necessity. Regardless, it’s good to remember that the Persian language has a rich history other places. It is good to know that Persian is widespread in the world and Persian is the official language of Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. Also, relatively large populations from Bahrain and Uzbekistan speak Persian. Historically, the Persian language has been popular in India, Turkey, and China. Studying the way Persian culture has been adopted and adapted in other areas of the globe will be a refreshing change from the norm and will also give you new insights into the homeland!

7. Combine daily activities with language learning

Imagine that you’re home by yourself on a weekend and you’re getting hungry. This is a learning opportunity for you! Why not make for yourself an omelet or a croque-madame? It’s surprisingly easy to find an online video of someone explaining how to cook a particular food in Persian. Don’t forget to take notes! Watch as many times as needed, now try to make your own food and talk yourself through each step in Persian. If all goes well, you’ll have learned a new recipe and added some new words to your vocabulary. But even if you end up having to order pizza or hamburger, you can still be assured you’ve accomplished some Persian learning. This same approach can be applied to other projects, creative and practical. Arts and crafts, home repairs, music instruction and more can all be found in Persian. Again, specific goals help contextualize your knowledge. Some of the best learning is done when you Don’t realize that you are doing it.

8. Join Online Communities

Your learning method will always be specific to you, but you are never totally alone at learning. Although methods maybe different, many language learners encounter the same obstacles and problems and find themselves asking the same questions. Today’s proliferation of communication applications means that you can always find a peer group to accompany you on your journey to Persian fluency. It’s also about immersion. You’re trying to immerse yourself in Persian culture. Every day, Persons are learning Persian on their own every day, and it’s helpful to realize how many people are with you on a Persian language learning journey. You’re in it together, so get to know your Fellow traveler. Aside from making friends, you’ll find new avenues of study, reduce stress and enjoy to the fullest.

9. Trust yourself

Remember that language is about meaning. Most of what we suggest here is to provide a context for your knowledge. After all, you wouldn’t speak Persian to the ticket agent at Vienna Station in Austria. It doesn’t matter how accurate your accent or grammar is. So you don’t need to worry about the accent or the Persian language in general.
The important point here is to think in terms of ideas instead of words. Words exist to express ideas. When you’re learning Persian, what you’re really learning is how ideas are expressed by Persian-speaking people. Bearing this in mind, the ideas that you are going to express can still be 100% yours. It isn’t about how many Persian words you know or how many Persian books you’ve read. It is about whether or not you can say, write and understand the ideas that matter to you.

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What people say about "How to Learn Persian by Yourself"?

  1. Hi, I am spanish. I have began studying persian by myself. I’d like to study persian in Iran. Are there any recommended place to do so?
    Argimiro Garcia

    • Hello Argimiro,
      There are many places in Iran that provide Farsi lessons. One of the most famous ones is Dehkhoda Center. Please visit their website at:
      Wish you all the best!

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