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Return to the Story of the mouse seeking

Return to the Story of the mouse seeking

Return to the Story of the mouse seeking the frog on the river-bank and pulling the string in order that the frog in the water might become aware of his seeking him. رجوع کردن به قصه‌ی طلب کردن آن موش آن چغز را لب‌لب جو و کشیدن سر رشته تا چغز را در آب خبر […]

The meaning of ‘whatever God willed came

The meaning of ‘whatever God willed came

The meaning of ‘whatever God willed came to be,’ i.e. ‘the will is His will and pleasure. Seek His pleasure, be not distressed by the anger of others and the disapproval of others.’ Although the word ‘kána’ (came to be) denotes the past, yet there is no past or future in the action of God, […]

Story of the sea-cow

Story of the sea-cow

Story of the night-thieves

Story of the night-thieves

Another Story in answer to the Necessitarian

Another Story in answer to the Necessitarian

How the mouse humbly entreated

How the mouse humbly entreated

A Story illustrating

A Story illustrating

How the mouse exerted himself

How the mouse exerted himself

The inward consciousness

The inward consciousness

The reply of the Sunní

The reply of the Sunní

Parable of the Devil

Parable of the Devil

How the mouse made an arrangement

How the mouse made an arrangement