Masnavi-Book 6 مثنوی دفتر ششم



How an inquirer asked (a preacher) about a bird that was supposed to have settled on the wall of a city “Is its head more excellent and estimable and noble and honourable or its tail?” and how the preacher gave him a reply suited to the measure of his understanding.
سال سایل از مرغی کی بر سر ربض شهری نشسته باشد سر او فاضل‌ترست و عزیزتر و شریف‌تر و مکرم‌تر یا دم او و جواب دادن واعظ سایل را به قدر فهم او
In blame of the rotten (worthless) reputations which prevent spiritual experience of the Faith and point to insincerity and stand in the way of hundreds of thousands of fools; as (for example) the (flock of) sheep stood in the way of a certain effeminate person, and he durst not pass, so he asked the shepherd, “Will these sheep of yours bite me, I wonder?” “If you are a man,” he replied, “and the root of manhood is in you, they all are devoted to you; but if you are effeminate, each one of them is a dragon to (destroy) you.” There is another (kind of) effeminate person who, when he sees the sheep, immediately turns back and does not dare to ask (the shepherd); for he is afraid that, if he asks, the sheep will fall upon him and bite him.

نکوهیدن ناموسهای پوسیده را کی مانع ذوق ایمان و دلیل ضعف صدق‌اند و راه‌زن صد هزار ابله چنانک راه‌زن آن مخنث شده بودند گوسفندان و نمی‌یارست گذشتن و پرسیدن مخنث از چوپان کی این گوسفندان تو مرا عجب گزند گفت ای مردی و در تو رگ مردی هست همه فدای تو اند و اگر مخنثی هر یکی ترا اژدرهاست مخنثی دیگر هست کی چون گوسفندان را بیند در حال از راه باز گردد نیارد پرسیدن ترسد کی اگر بپرسم گوسفندان در من افتند و مرا بگزند
A prayer and a seeking refuge with God from the temptation of free-will and from the temptation of those things that minister to free-will; for the heavens and the earths dreaded and feared free-will and the things that minister to it, while the nature of Man is addicted to seeking free-will and all that ministers to his free-will; as (for example) if he is sick he feels himself to have little free-will and desires health, which ministers to free-will, in order that his free-will may be increased; and he desires high office in order that his free-will may be increased. And it was excess of free-will and of whatever ministers to it that caused the wrath of God to fall upon the peoples of the past. No one ever saw Pharaoh destitute.

مناجات و پناه جستن به حق از فتنه‌ی اختیار و از فتنه‌ی اسباب اختیار کی سماوات و ارضین از اختیار و اسباب اختیار شکوهیدند و ترسیدند و خلقت آدمی مولع افتاد بر طلب اختیار و اسباب اختیار خویش چنانک بیمار باشد خود را اختیار کم بیند صحت خواهد کی سبب اختیارست تا اختیارش بیفزاید و منصب خواهد تا اختیارش بیفزاید و مهبط قهر حق در امم ماضیه فرط اختیار و اسباب اختیار بوده است هرگز فرعون بی‌نوا کس ندیده است
Story of the Hindú slave who had secretly fallen in love with his master’s daughter. On learning that the girl was betrothed to the son of a nobleman, the slave sickened and began to waste away. No physician could diagnose his malady, and he (the slave) durst not tell.

حکایت غلام هندو کی به خداوندزاده‌ی خود پنهان هوای آورده بود چون دختر را با مهتر زاده‌ای عقد کردند غلام خبر یافت رنجور شد و می‌گداخت و هیچ طبیب علت او را در نمی‌یافت و او را زهره‌ی گفتن نه
How the Khwája bade the girl’s mother be patient, saying, “Don’t scold the slave: without scolding him I will make him abandon this desire in such a way that neither will the spit be burnt nor the meat be left uncooked.

صبر فرمودن خواجه مادر دختر را کی غلام را زجر مکن من او را بی‌زجر ازین طمع باز آرم کی نه سیخ سوزد نه کباب خام ماند
Explaining that this self-delusion was not (peculiar) to that Hindú alone; on the contrary, every human being is afflicted with a similar self-delusion at every stage (of the journey), except those whom God has preserved.

در بیان آنک این غرور تنها آن هندو را نبود بلک هر آدمیی به چنین غرور مبتلاست در هر مرحله‌ای الا من عصم الله
Concerning the interpretation, in a general sense, of the Verse: “as often as they kindle a fire for war.”

در عموم تاویل این آیت کی کلما اوقدوا نارا للحرب
A Story in further exposition of this.

قصه‌ای هم در تقریر این
How the King (Mahmúd) revealed to the Amírs and those who were intriguing against Ayáz the reason of his superiority to them in rank and favour and salary, (explaining it) in such a manner that no argument or objection was left for them (to bring forward).

وا نمودن پادشاه به امرا و متعصبان در راه ایاز سبب فضیلت و مرتبت و قربت و جامگی او بریشان بر وجهی کی ایشان را حجت و اعتراض نماند
How the Amírs endeavoured to rebut that argument by the Necessitarian error and how the King answered them.

مدافعه‌ی امرا آن حجت را به شبهه‌ی جبریانه و جواب دادن شاه ایشان را
Story of the fowler who had wrapped himself in grass and drawn over his head a handful of roses and red anemones, like a cap, in order that the birds might think he was grass. The clever bird had some little notion that he was (really) a man, and said (to itself), “I have never seen grass of this shape”; but it did not wholly apprehend (the truth) and was deceived by his guile, because at the first view it had no decisive argument, (whereas) on its second view of the trick it had a decisive argument, namely, cupidity and greed, (which are) especially (potent) at the time of excessive want and poverty. The Prophet God bless and save him! has said that poverty is almost infidelity.

حکایت آن صیادی کی خویشتن در گیاه پیچیده بود و دسته‌ی گل و لاله را کله‌وار به سر فرو کشیده تا مرغان او را گیاه پندارند و آن مرغ زیرک بوی برد اندکی کی این آدمیست کی برین شکل گیاه ندیدم اما هم تمام بوی نبرد به افسون او مغرور شد زیرا در ادراک اول قاطعی نداشت در ادراک مکر دوم قاطعی داشت و هو الحرص و الطمع لا سیما عند فرط الحاجة و الفقر قال النبی صلی الله علیه و سلم کاد الفقر ان یکون کفرا
Story of the person whose ram was stolen by some thieves. Not content with that, they stole his clothes too by means of a trick.

حکایت آن شخص کی دزدان قوج او را بدزدیدند و بر آن قناعت نکرد به حیله جامه‌هاش را هم دزدیدند
The bird’s debate with the fowler concerning monasticism and about the meaning of the monasticism which Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, forbade his community to practise, saying, “There is no monkery in Islam.”

مناظره‌ی مرغ با صیاد در ترهب و در معنی ترهبی کی مصطفی علیه‌السلام نهی کرد از آن امت خود را کی لا رهبانیة فی الاسلام
Story of the watchman who kept silence till the robbers had carried off the entire stock of the merchants, but afterwards made an outcry and did the duty of a watchman.

حکایت پاسبان کی خاموش کرد تا دزدان رخت تاجران بردند به کلی بعد از آن هیهای و پاسبانی می‌کرد
How the bird attributed its being caught in the trap to the artifice and cunning and hypocrisy of the ascetic; and how the ascetic answered the bird.

حواله کردن مرغ گرفتاری خود را در دام به فعل و مکر و زرق زاهد و جواب زاهد مرغ را
Story of the lover who, in hope of the tryst promised (to him) by his beloved, came at night to the house that he had indicated. He waited (there) part of the night; (then) he was overcome by sleep. (When) his beloved came to fulfil his promise and found him asleep, he filled his lap with walnuts and left him sleeping and returned (home).

حکایت آن عاشق کی شب بیامد بر امید وعده‌ی معشوق بدان وثاقی کی اشارت کرده بود و بعضی از شب منتظر ماند و خوابش بربود معشوق آمد بهر انجاز وعده او را خفته یافت جیبش پر جوز کرد و او را خفته گذاشت و بازگشت

How a drunken Turkish Amír summoned a minstrel at the hour of the morning-drink; and a commentary on the Tradition, “Verily, God most High hath a wine that He prepared for His friends: when they drink it they become intoxicated, and when they become intoxicated they are purified,” to the end of the Tradition. “The wine is bubbling in the jars of the mysteries in order that any one who is denuded (of self-existence) may drink of that wine.” God most High hath said, “Lo, the righteous shall drink.” “This wine that thou drinkest is forbidden; we drink none but a lawful wine.” “Endeavour through non-existence (of self) to become (really) existent and to be intoxicated with God’s wine.”
استدعاء امیر ترک مخمور مطرب را بوقت صبوح و تفسیر این حدیث کی ان لله تعالی شرابا اعده لاولیائه اذا شربوا سکروا و اذا سکروا طابوا الی آخر الحدیث می در خم اسرار بدان می‌جوشد تا هر که مجردست از آن می نوشد قال الله تعالی ان الابرار یشربون این می که تو می‌خوری حرامست ما می نخوریم جز حلالی «جهد کن تا ز نیست هست شوی وز شراب خدای مست شوی»
How a blind man entered the house of Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, and how ‘Á’isha, may God be pleased with her, fled from the presence of the blind man, and how the Prophet, on whom be peace, asked, “Why art thou running away? He cannot see thee”; and the answer given by ‘Á’isha, may God be pleased with her, to the Prophet God bless and save him!
در آمدن ضریر در خانه‌ی مصطفی علیه‌السلام و گریختن عایشه رضی الله عنها از پیش ضریر و گفتن رسول علیه‌السلام کی چه می‌گریزی او ترا نمی‌بیند و جواب دادن عایشه رضی الله عنها رسول را صلی الله علیه و سلم
How Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, made trial of ‘Á’isha, may God be pleased with her, and said, “Why art thou hiding? Do not hide, for the blind man cannot see thee,” in order that it might appear whether ‘Á’isha was acquainted with the secret thoughts of Mustafá, on whom be peace, or whether she was (merely) one who would follow his expressed wishes.

امتحان کردن مصطفی علیه‌السلام عایشه را رضی الله عنها کی چه پنهان می‌شوی پنهان مشو که اعمی ترا نمی‌بیند تا پدید آید کی عایشه رضی الله عنها از ضمیر مصطفی علیه السلام واقف هست یا خود مقلد گفت ظاهرست
Story of the minstrel who began to sing this ode at the banquet of the Turkish Amír: “Art Thou a rose or a lily or a cypress or a man? I know not. What dost Thou desire from this bewildered one who has lost his heart? I know not” and how the Turk shouted at him, “Tell of that which you know!” and the minstrel’s reply to the Amír.

حکایت آن مطرب کی در بزم امیر ترک این غزل آغاز کرد گلی یا سوسنی یا سرو یا ماهی نمی‌دانم ازین آشفته‌ی بی‌دل چه می‌خواهی نمی‌دانم و بانگ بر زدن ترک کی آن بگو کی می‌دانی و جواب مطرب امیر را
Commentary on his (the Prophet’s) saying peace be upon him!— ‘Die before ye die.’ ‘O friend, die before thy death if thou desirest life; for by so dying Idrís became a dweller in Paradise before (the rest of) us.’

تفسیر قوله علیه‌السلام موتوا قبل ان تموتوا بمیر ای دوست پیش از مرگ اگر می زندگی خواهی کی ادریس از چنین مردن بهشتی گشت پیش از ما
Comparison of (the behaviour of) the heedless man who wastes his life and (only) begins to repent and ask pardon (of God) when he lies in extreme distress on his death-bed to the yearly mourning of the Shí‘ites of Aleppo at the Antioch Gate (of the city) during the ‘Áshúrá; and how a poet, who was a stranger, arrived (there) on his journey and asked what was the cause of these shrieks of mourning.

تشبیه مغفلی کی عمر ضایع کند و وقت مرگ در آن تنگاتنگ توبه و استغفار کردن گیرد به تعزیت داشتن شیعه‌ی اهل حلب هر سالی در ایام عاشورا به دروازه‌ی انطاکیه و رسیدن غریب شاعر از سفر و پرسیدن کی این غریو چه تعزیه است
The poet’s subtle discourse in criticism of the Shí‘ites of Aleppo.

نکته گفتن آن شاعر جهت طعن شیعه حلب
Comparison of the covetous man, who does not see the all-providingness of God and the (infinite) stores of His mercy, to an ant struggling with a single grain of wheat on a great threshing-floor and showing violent agitation and trembling and dragging it hurriedly along, unconscious of the amplitude of the threshing-floor.

تمثیل مرد حریص نابیننده رزاقی حق را و خزاین و رحمت او را به موری کی در خرمنگاه بزرگ با دانه‌ی گندم می‌کوشد و می‌جوشد و می‌لرزد و به تعجیل می‌کشد و سعت آن خرمن را نمی‌بیند
Story of the person who was giving the drum call for the sahúr at the gate of a certain palace at midnight. A neighbour said to him, “Why, it is midnight, it is not (yet) dawn; and besides, there is no one in this palace: for whose sake are you drumming?” and the minstrel’s reply to him.

داستان آن شخص کی بر در سرایی نیم‌شب سحوری می‌زد همسایه او را گفت کی آخر نیم‌شبست سحر نیست و دیگر آنک درین سرا کسی نیست بهر کی می‌زنی و جواب گفتن مطرب او را
The Story of Bilál’s crying “One! One!” in the heat of the Hijáz, from his love for Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, in the forenoons when his master, (impelled) by Jewish fanaticism, used to flog him with a thorny branch under the (blazing) sun of the Hijáz; and how at (each) blow the blood spurted from Bilál’s body, and (the words) “One! One!” escaped (from his lips) involuntarily, just as sobs escape involuntarily from others stricken with grief, because he was (so) full of the passion of love (that) there was no room for any care about relieving the pain of the thorns to enter (his heart). (His case was) like (that of) Pharaoh’s magicians and Jirjís and others (who are) innumerable and beyond computation.

قصه‌ی احد احد گفتن بلال در حر حجاز از محبت مصطفی علیه‌السلام در آن چاشتگاهها کی خواجه‌اش از تعصب جهودی به شاخ خارش می‌زد پیش آفتاب حجاز و از زخم خون از تن بلال برمی‌جوشید ازو احد احد می‌جست بی‌قصد او چنانک از دردمندان دیگر ناله جهد بی‌قصد زیرا از درد عشق ممتلی بود اهتمام دفع درد خار را مدخل نبود هم‌چون سحره‌ی فرعون و جرجیس و غیر هم لایعد و لا یحصی
How the Siddíq (Abú Bakr), may God be pleased with him, referred what had happened to Bilál, may God be pleased with him, and his maltreatment by the Jews and his crying “One! One!” and the Jews becoming more incensed (against him); and how he told the story of the affair to Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, and consulted him as to buying him (Bilál) from the Jews.

باز گردانیدن صدیق رضی الله عنه واقعه‌ی بلال را رضی الله عنه و ظلم جهودان را بر وی و احد احد گفتن او و افزون شدن کینه‌ی جهودان و قصه کردن آن قضیه پیش مصطفی علیه‌السلام و مشورت در خریدن او
How Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, enjoined the Siddíq, may God be pleased with him, saying, “Since thou art going to purchase Bilál, they (the Jews) will certainly raise his price by wrangling (with thee): make me thy partner in this merit, be my agent, and receive from me half the purchase-money.”

وصیت کردن مصطفی علیه‌السلام صدیق را رضی الله عنه کی چون بلال را مشتری می‌شوی هر آینه ایشان از ستیز بر خواهند در بها فزود و بهای او را خواهند فزودن مرا درین فضیلت شریک خود کن وکیل من باش و نیم بها از من بستان
How the Jew laughed and imagined that the Siddíq had been swindled in this bargain.

خندیدن جهود و پنداشتن کی صدیق مغبونست درین عقد
How Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, reproached the Siddíq, may God be pleased with him, saying, “I enjoined thee to buy in partnership with me: why hast thou bought for thyself alone?” and his (the Siddíq’s) excuse.

معاتبه‌ی مصطفی علیه‌السلام با صدیق رضی الله عنه کی ترا وصیت کردم کی به شرکت من بخر تو چرا بهر خود تنها خریدی و عذر او
Story of Hilal, who was a devoted servant to God. (He was) possessed of spiritual insight and (in his religion) was not a mere imitator (of others). He had concealed himself in (the disguise of) being a slave to (God’s) creatures, not from helplessness but for good reason, as Luqmán and Joseph and others (did, who were slaves) in appearance. He was a groom in the service of a certain Amír, and that Amír was a Moslem, but (spiritually) blind. “The blind man knows that he has a mother, but he cannot conceive what she is like.” If, having this knowledge, he show reverence towards his mother, it is possible that he may gain deliverance from blindness, for (the Prophet has said that) when God wills good unto a servant (of His) He opens the eyes of his heart, that He may let him see the Invisible (World) with them.

قصه‌ی هلال کی بنده‌ی مخلص بود خدای را صاحب بصیرت بی‌تقلید پنهان شده در بندگی مخلوقان جهت مصلحت نه از عجز چنانک لقمان و یوسف از روی ظاهر و غیر ایشان بنده‌ی سایس بود امیری را و آن امیر مسلمان بود اما چشم بسته داند اعمی که مادری دارد لیک چونی بوهم در نارد اگر با این دانش تعظیم این مادر کند ممکن بود کی از عمی خلاص یابد کی اذا اراد الله به عبد خیرا فتح عینی قلبه لیبصره بهما الغیب این راه ز زندگی دل حاصل کن کین زندگی تن صفت حیوانست
Story in exposition of the same topic.

حکایت در تقریر همین سخن
How this Hilál fell ill, and how his master was unaware of his being ill, because he despised him and did not recognise (his real worth); and how the heart of Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, came to know of his illness and his state (of weakness), and how the Prophet, on whom be peace, inquired after this Hilál and went to see him.
رنجور شدن این هلال و بی‌خبری خواجه‌ی او از رنجوری او از تحقیر و ناشناخت و واقف شدن دل مصطفی علیه‌السلام از رنجوری و حال او و افتقاد و عیادت رسول علیه‌السلام این هلال را

How Mustafá, on whom be peace, came into the Amír’s stable to see the sick Hilál, and how he caressed Hilál, may God be pleased with him!
در آمدن مصطفی علیه‌السلام از بهر عیادت هلال در ستورگاه آن امیر و نواختن مصطفی هلال را رضی الله عنه
Explanation of (the following Tradition), that Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, hearing that Jesus, on whom be peace, walked on the water, said, ‘If his faith had increased, he would have walked on the air.’
در بیان آنک مصطفی علیه‌السلام شنید کی عیسی علیه‌السلام بر روی آب رفت فرمود لو ازداد یقینه لمشی علی الهواء
Story of the old woman who used to depilate and rouge her ugly face, though it could never be put right and become pleasing.

داستان آن عجوزه کی روی زشت خویشتن را جندره و گلگونه می‌ساخت و ساخته نمی‌شد و پذیرا نمی‌آمد
Story of the dervish who blessed a man of Gílán, saying, “May God bring thee back in safety to thy home and household!”

داستان آن درویش کی آن گیلانی را دعا کرد کی خدا ترا به سلامت به خان و مان باز رساناد
Description of the old woman.

صفت آن عجوز
Story of the dervish to whom, whenever he begged anything from a certain house, he (the owner) used to say, “It is not (to be had here).”

قصه‌ی درویشی کی از آن خانه هرچه می‌خواست می‌گفت نیست
Return to the tale of the old woman.

رجوع به داستان آن کمپیر
Story of the sick man of whose recovery the physician despaired.

حکایت آن رنجور کی طبیب درو اومید صحت ندید
Returning to the Story of the sick man.
رجوع به قصه‌ی رنجور
Story of Sultan Mahmúd and the Hindú boy.
قصه‌ی سلطان محمود و غلام هندو
Those who have passed away do not grieve on account of death; their only regret is to have missed the opportunities (of life).
لیس للماضین هم الموت انما لهم حسره الموت
Returning once more to the Story of the Súfí and the Cadi.
بار دیگر رجوع کردن به قصه‌ی صوفی و قاضی
How the Cadi was incensed fry the slap of the poor (sick) man and how the Súfi taunted the Cadi.
طیره شدن قاضی از سیلی درویش و سرزنش کردن صوفی قاضی را
The Cadi’s reply to the Súfi.
جواب دادن قاضی صوفی را
How the Súfi questioned the Cadi.
سال کردن آن صوفی قاضی را
The Cadi’s reply to the Súfi.
جواب گفتن آن قاضی صوفی را
How the Súfi again questioned the Cadi.
باز سال کردن صوفی از آن قاضی
The Cadi’s answer to the questions of the Súfí, and how he adduced the Story of the Turk and the Tailor as a parable.
جواب قاضی سال صوفی را و قصه‌ی ترک و درزی را مثل آوردن
The Prophet, on whom be peace, said, ‘Verily God teaches wisdom by the tongues of the preachers according to the measure of the aspirations of those who hear them.’
قال النبی علیه السلام ان الله تعالی یلقن الحکمة علی لسان الواعظین بقدر همم المستمعین
How the Turk boasted and wagered that the tailor would not be able to steal anything from him.
دعوی کردن ترک و گرو بستن او کی درزی از من چیزی نتواند بردن
How the tailor told laughable jests, and how the narrow eyes of the Turk were closed by the violence of his laughter, and how the tailor found an opportunity (to steal).
مضاحک گفتن درزی و ترک را از قوت خنده بسته شدن دو چشم تنگ او و فرصت یافتن درزی
How the tailor said to the Turk, “Hey, hold your tongue: if I tell any more funny stories the coat will be (too) tight for you.”
گفتن درزی ترک را هی خاموش کی اگر مضاحک دگر گویم قبات تنگ آید
Explaining that the idle folk who wish (to hear) stories are like the Turk, and that the deluding and treacherous World is like the tailor, and that lusts and women are (like) this World’s telling laughable jokes, and that Life resembles the piece of satin placed before this Tailor to be made into a coat of eternity and a garment of piety.
بیان آنک بی‌کاران و افسانه‌جویان مثل آن ترک‌اند و عالم غرار غدار هم‌چو آن درزی و شهوات و زبان مضاحک گفتن این دنیاست و عمر هم‌چون آن اطلس پیش این درزی جهت قبای بقا و لباس تقوی ساختن
How the Súfí repeated his questions.
باز مکرر کردن صوفی سال را
The Cadi’s reply to the Súfí.
جواب دادن قاضی صوفی را
A Story setting forth that patience in bearing worldly affliction is easier than patience in bearing separation from the Beloved.
حکایت در تقریر آنک صبر در رنج کار سهل‌تر از صبر در فراق یار بود
The remainder of the Story of the fakir who desired (to receive) his daily bread without (having recourse to) work as a means (of earning it).
باقی قصه‌ی فقیر روزی‌طلب بی‌واسطه‌ی کسب
Story of the treasure-scroll (in which it was written), “Beside a certain domed building turn your face towards the qibla (Mecca) and put an arrow to the bow and shoot: the treasure is (buried) at the spot where it falls.”
قصه‌ی آن گنج‌نامه کی پهلوی قبه‌ای روی به قبله کن و تیر در کمان نه بینداز آنجا کی افتد گنجست
Conclusion of the Story of the fakir and (a description of) the signs indicating the position of the treasure.
تمامی قصه‌ی آن فقیر و نشان جای آن گنج
How the news of this treasure became known and reached the ears of the king.
فاش شدن خبر این گنج و رسیدن به گوش پادشاه
How the king despaired of finding the treasure and became weary of searching for it.
نومید شدن آن پادشاه از یافتن آن گنج و ملول شدن او از طلب آن
How the king gave back the treasure-scroll to the fakir, saying, “Take it: we are quit of it.”
باز دادن شاه گنج‌نامه را به آن فقیر کی بگیر ما از سر این برخاستیم
Story of the disciple of Shaykh (Abú) Hasan Kharraqání, may God sanctify his spirit!
حکایت مرید شیخ حسن خرقانی قدس الله سره
How the new-comer asked the Shaykh’s wife, “Where is the Shaykh? Where shall I look for him?” and the rude answer given by the Shaykh’s wife.
پرسیدن آن وارد از حرم شیخ کی شیخ کجاست کجا جوییم و جواب نافرجام گفتن حرم
How the disciple answered that railing woman and bade her refrain from her unbelief and idle talk.
جواب گفتن مرید و زجر کردن مرید آن طعانه را از کفر و بیهوده گفتن
How the disciple turned back from the Shaykh’s house and questioned the people (in the neighbourhood), and how they directed him, saying, “The Shaykh has gone to such and such a forest.”
واگشتن مرید از وثاق شیخ و پرسیدن از مردم و نشان دادن ایشان کی شیخ به فلان بیشه رفته است
How the disciple gained his wish and met the Shaykh near the forest.
یافتن مرید مراد را و ملاقات او با شیخ نزدیک آن بیشه
The (Divine) purpose in (saying), “Lo, I will place a viceroy in the earth.”
حکمت در انی جاعل فی الارض خلیفة
The evidentiary miracle of Húd, on whom be peace, in the deliverance of the true believers of the community at the moment when the Wind descended.
معجزه‌ی هود علیه‌السلام در تخلص ممنان امت به وقت نزول باد
Returning to the Story of the dome and the treasure.
رجوع کردن به قصه‌ی قبه و گنج
How the seeker of the treasure, after having searched much and having been reduced to helplessness and despair, turned to God most High, saying, “O Thou to whom manifestation belongs, do. Thou make this hidden thing evident!”
انابت آن طالب گنج به حق تعالی بعد از طلب بسیار و عجز و اضطرار کی ای ولی الاظهار تو کن این پنهان را آشکار
How the Voice from heaven called to the seeker of the treasure and acquainted him with the truth of the mysteries thereof.
آواز دادن هاتف مر طالب گنج را و اعلام کردن از حقیقت اسرار آن
Story of the three travellers a Moslem, a Christian, and a Jew who obtained (a gift of) some food at a hostelry. The Christian and the Jew had already eaten their fill, so they said, “Let us eat this food to-morrow.” The Moslem was fasting, and he remained hungry because he was overpowered (by his companions).
حکایت آن سه مسافر مسلمان و ترسا و جهود و آن کی به منزل قوتی یافتند و ترسا و جهود سیر بودند گفتند این قوت را فردا خوریم مسلمان صایم بود گرسنه ماند از آنک مغلوب بود
Story of the camel and the ox and the ram who found a bunch of grass on the road, and each said, “I will eat it.”
حکایت اشتر و گاو و قج که در راه بند گیاه یافتند هر یکی می‌گفت من خورم
How the Moslem in reply told his companions, the Jew and the Christian, what he had seen (in his dream), and how they were disappointed.
جواب گفتن مسلمان آنچ دید به یارانش جهود و ترسا و حسرت خوردن ایشان
How the Sayyid, the King of Tirmid, proclaimed that he would give robes of honour and horses and slave-boys and slave-girls and a large sum in gold to any one who would go on urgent business to Samarcand (and complete the journey) in three or four days; and how Dalqak, having heard the news of this proclamation in the country (where he then was), came post-haste to the king, saying, “I, at all events, cannot go.”
منادی کردن سید ملک ترمد کی هر کی در سه یا چهار روز به سمرقند رود به فلان مهم خلعت و اسپ و غلام و کنیزک و چندین زر دهم و شنیدن دلقک خبر این منادی در ده و آمدن به اولاقی نزد شاه کی من باری نتوانم رفتن
Story of the attachment between the mouse and the frog: how they tied their legs together with a long string, and how a raven carried off the mouse, and how the frog was suspended (in the air) and lamented and repented of having attached himself to an animal of a different species instead of sorting with one of his own kind.
حکایت تعلق موش با چغز و بستن پای هر دو به رشته‌ای دراز و بر کشیدن زاغ موش را و معلق شدن چغز و نالیدن و پشیمانی او از تعلق با غیر جنس و با جنس خود ناساختن
How the mouse made an arrangement with the frog, saying, “I cannot come to you in the water when I want (to see you). There must be some means of communication between us, so that when I come to the river-bank I may be able to let you know, and when you come to the mouse-hole you may be able to let me know, etc.”
تدبیر کردن موش به چغز کی من نمی‌توانم بر تو آمدن به وقت حاجت در آب میان ما وصلتی باید کی چون من بر لب جو آیم ترا توانم خبر کردن و تو چون بر سر سوراخ موش‌خانه آیی مرا توانی خبر کردن الی آخره
How the mouse exerted himself to the utmost in supplication and humble entreaty and besought the water-frog to grant him access (at all times).
مبالغه کردن موش در لابه و زاری و وصلت جستن از چغز آبی
How the mouse humbly entreated the frog, saying, “Do not think of pretexts and do not defer the fulfilment of this request of mine, for ‘there are dangers in delay,’ and ‘the Súfí is the son of the moment.’” A son (child) does not withdraw his hand from the skirt of his father, and the Súfí’s kind father, who is the “moment,” does not let him be reduced to the necessity of looking to the morrow (but) keeps him all the while absorbed, unlike the common folk, in (contemplation of) the garden of his (the father’s) swift (immediate) reckoning. He (the Súfí) does not wait for the future. He is of the (timeless) River, not of Time, for “with God is neither morn nor eve”: there the past and the future and time without beginning and time without end do not exist: Adam is not prior nor is Dajjál (Antichrist) posterior. (All) these terms belong to the domain of the particular (discursive) reason and the animal soul: they are not (applicable) in the non-spatial and non-temporal world. Therefore he is the son of that “moment” by which is to be understood only a denial of the division of times (into several categories), just as (the statement) “God is One” is to be understood as a denial of duality, not as (expressing) the real nature of unity.
لابه کردن موش مر چغز را کی بهانه میندیش و در نسیه مینداز انجاح این حاجت مرا کی فی التاخیر آفات و الصوفی ابن الوقت و ابن دست از دامن پدر باز ندارد و اب مشفق صوفی کی وقتست او را بنگرش به فردا محتاج نگرداند چندانش مستغرق دارد در گلزار سریع الحسابی خویش نه چون عوام منتظر مستقبل نباشد نهری باشد نه دهری کی لا صباح عند الله و لا مساء ماضی و مستقبل و ازل و ابد آنجا نباشد آدم سابق و دجال مسبوق نباشد کی این رسوم در خطه‌ی عقل جز وی است و روح حیوانی در عالم لا مکان و لا زمان این رسوم نباشد پس او ابن وقتیست کی لا یفهم منه الا نفی تفرقة الا زمنة چنانک از الله واحد فهم شود نفی دوی نی حقیقت واحدی
Story of the night-thieves with whom Sultan Mahmúd fell in during the night (and joined them), saying, “I am one of you”; and how he became acquainted with their affairs, etc.
حکایت شب دزدان کی سلطان محمود شب در میان ایشان افتاد کی من یکی‌ام از شما و بر احوال ایشان مطلع شدن الی آخره
Story of the sea-cow: how it brings up the royal pearl from the depths of the ocean and at night lays it on the seashore and feeds in the resplendence and lustre thereof; and how the trader comes forth from his hiding-place and, when the cow has gone some distance away from the pearl, covers the pearl with loam and black clay and runs off and climbs a tree; and so on to the end of the story and exposition.
قصه‌ی آنک گاو بحری گوهر کاویان از قعر دریا بر آورد شب بر ساحل دریا نهد در درخش و تاب آن می‌چرد بازرگان از کمین برون آید چون گاو از گوهر دورتر رفته باشد بازرگان به لجم و گل تیره گوهر را بپوشاند و بر درخت گریزد الی آخر القصه و التقریب
Return to the Story of the mouse seeking the frog on the river-bank and pulling the string in order that the frog in the water might become aware of his seeking him.
رجوع کردن به قصه‌ی طلب کردن آن موش آن چغز را لب‌لب جو و کشیدن سر رشته تا چغز را در آب خبر شود از طلب او
Story of ‘Abdu ’l-Ghawth and his being carried off by the peris and staying among them for years, and how after (many) years he returned to his (native) town and his children, but could not endure to be parted from the peris, because he was really their congener and spiritually one with them.
قصه‌ی عبدالغوث و ربودن پریان او را و سالها میان پریان ساکن شدن او و بعد از سالها آمدن او به شهر و فرزندان خویش را باز ناشکیفتن او از آن پریان بحکم جنسیت و همدلی او با ایشان
Story of the man who had an allowance from the Police Inspector of Tabríz and had incurred (large) debts in expectation of that allowance, since he was unaware of his (the Inspector’s) death. The gist (of the story is that) his debts were paid, not by any living person, but by the deceased Inspector, (for) as has been said, “He that died and found peace is not dead: the (real) dead one is the man (spiritually) dead among the (materially) living.”
داستان آن مرد کی وظیفه داشت از محتسب تبریز و وامها کرده بود بر امید آن وظیفه و او را خبر نه از وفات او حاصل از هیچ زنده‌ای وام او گزارده نشد الا از محتسب متوفی گزارده شد چنانک گفته‌اند لیس من مات فاستراح بمیت انما المیت میت الاحیاء
How Ja‘far, may God be well-pleased with him, advanced alone to capture a fortress, and how the king of the fortress consulted (his vizier) as to the means of repelling him, and how the vizier said to the king, “Beware! Surrender (it) and do not be so foolhardy as to hurl thyself upon him; for this man is (Divinely) aided and possesses in his soul a great collectedness (derived) from God,” etc.
آمدن جعفر رضی الله عنه به گرفتن قلعه به تنهایی و مشورت کردن ملک آن قلعه در دفع او و گفتن آن وزیر ملک را کی زنهار تسلیم کن و از جهل تهور مکن کی این مرد میدست و از حق جمعیت عظیم دارد در جان خویش الی آخره
Return to the Story of the man who incurred (great) debts and his coming to Tabríz in hope of (enjoying) the favour of the Inspector of Police.
رجوع کردن به حکایت آن شخص وام کرده و آمدن او به امید عنایت آن محتسب سوی تبریز
How the poor stranger was informed of the Inspector’s death and begged God to pardon him for having relied upon a created being and having rested his hopes upon the bounty of a created being; and how he remembered the blessings he had received from God, and turned to God and repented of his sin: “then those who disbelieve equal (Him with others).”
باخبر شدن آن غریب از وفات آن محتسب و استغفار او از اعتماد بر مخلوق و تعویل بر عطای مخلوق و یاد نعمتهای حق کردنش و انابت به حق از جرم خود ثم الذین کفروا بربهم یعدلون
Parable of the man who sees double. (He is) like the stranger in the town of Kásh (Káshán), whose name was ‘Umar. Because of this (name) they (refused to serve him and) passed him on from one shop to another. He did not perceive that all the shops were one in this respect that they (the shopkeepers) would not sell bread to (a person named) ‘Umar; (so he did not say to himself), “Here (and now) I will repair my error (and say), ‘I made a mistake: my name is not ‘Umar.’ When I recant and repair my error in this shop, I shall get bread from all the shops in the town; but if, without repairing my error, I still keep the name ‘Umar and depart from this shop (to another), (then) I am deprived (of bread) and seeing double, for I (shall) have deemed (all) these shops to be separate from each other.”
مثل دوبین هم‌چو آن غریب شهر کاش عمر نام کی از یک دکانش به سبب این به آن دکان دیگر حواله کرد و او فهم نکرد کی همه دکان یکیست درین معنی کی به عمر نان نفروشند هم اینجا تدارک کنم من غلط کردم نامم عمر نیست چون بدین دکان توبه و تدارک کنم نان یابم از همه دکان‌های این شهر و اگر بی‌تدارک هم‌چنین عمر نام باشم ازین دکان در گذرم محرومم و احولم و این دکان‌ها را از هم جدا دانسته‌ام
How the (Inspector’s) bailiff sought subscriptions in all parts of the city of Tabríz, and how (only) a small amount was collected, and how the poor stranger went to visit the Inspector’s tomb and related this (pitiful) tale on his grave by the method of concentrating the mind on prayer (for his help), etc.
توزیع کردن پای‌مرد در جمله‌ی شهر تبریز و جمع شدن اندک چیز و رفتن آن غریب به تربت محتسب به زیارت و این قصه را بر سر گور او گفتن به طریق نوحه الی آخره
How the Khwárizmsháh, may God have mercy upon him, while riding for pleasure, saw an exceedingly fine horse in his cavalcade; and how the king’s heart fell in love with the beauty and elegance of the horse; and how the ‘Imádu ’l-Mulk caused the horse to appear undesirable to the king; and how the king preferred his (the ‘Imádu ’l-Mulk’s) word to his own sight, as the Hakím (Saná’í), may God have mercy upon him, has said in the Iláhí-náma: “When the tongue of envy turns slave-dealer (salesman), you may get a Joseph for an ell of linen.” Owing to the envious feelings of Joseph’s brethren when they acted as brokers (in selling him), (even) such a great beauty (as his) was veiled from the heart (perception) of the buyers and he began to seem ugly (to them), for “they (his brethren) were setting little value on him.”
دیدن خوارزمشاه رحمه الله در سیران در موکب خود اسپی بس نادر و تعلق دل شاه به حسن و چستی آن اسپ و سرد کردن عمادالملک آن اسپ را در دل شاه و گزیدن شاه گفت او را بر دید خویش چنانک حکیم رحمةالله علیه در الهی‌نامه فرمود چون زبان حسد شود نخاس یوسفی یابی از گزی کرباس از دلالی برادران یوسف حسودانه در دل مشتریان آن چندان حسن پوشیده شد و زشت نمودن گرفت کی و کانوا فیه من الزاهدین
Return to the Story of the bailiff and the poor debtor: how they turned back from the Khwája’s grave, and how the bailiff saw the Khwája in a dream, etc.
رجوع کردن به قصه‌ی آن پای‌مرد و آن غریب وام‌دار و بازگشتن ایشان از سر گور خواجه و خواب دیدن پای‌مرد خواجه را الی آخره
How the Khwája disclosed to the bailiff in his dream the means of paying the debts incurred by the friend who had come (to visit him); and how he indicated the spot where the money was buried, and sent a message to his heirs that on no account should they regard that (sum of money) as too much (for the debtor) or withhold anything (from him), and that (even) though he were to refuse the whole or a part of it they must let it remain in the place (where it was accessible), in order that any one who wished might take it away; ‘for,’ said he, ‘I have made vows to God that not one mite of that money shall come back again to me and those connected with me,’ etc.
گفتن خواجه در خواب به آن پای‌مرد وجوه وام آن دوست را کی آمده بود و نشان دادن جای دفن آن سیم و پیغام کردن به وارثان کی البته آن را بسیار نبینند وهیچ باز نگیرند و اگر چه او هیچ از آن قبول نکند یا بعضی را قبول نکند هم آنجا بگذارند تا هر آنک خواهد برگیرد کی من با خدا نذرها کردم کی از آن سیم به من و به متعلقان من حبه‌ای باز نگردد الی آخره
Story of the King who enjoined his three sons, saying, “In this journey through my empire establish certain arrangements in such-and-such a place and appoint certain viceroys in such-and-such a place, but for God’s sake, for God’s sake, do not go to such-and-such a fortress and do not roam around it.”
حکایت آن پادشاه و وصیت کردن او سه پسر خویش را کی درین سفر در ممالک من فلان جا چنین ترتیب نهید و فلان جا چنین نواب نصب کنید اما الله الله به فلان قلعه مروید و گرد آن مگردید
Explaining that the gnostic seeks replenishment from the Fountainhead of everlasting life and that he is relieved of any need to seek replenishment and draw (supplies) from the fountains of inconstant water; and the sign thereof is his holding aloof from the abode of delusion; for when a man relies on the replenishments drawn from those fountains, he slackens in his search for the Fountain everlasting and permanent. “A work done from within thy soul is necessary, for no door will be opened to thee by things given on loan. A water-spring inside the house is better than an aqueduct that comes from outside.”
بیان استمداد عارف از سرچشمه‌ی حیات ابدی و مستغنی شدن او از استمداد و اجتذاب از چشمه‌های آبهای بی‌وفا کی علامة ذالک التجافی عن دار الغرور کی آدمی چون بر مددهای آن چشمه‌ها اعتماد کند در طلب چشمه‌ی باقی دایم سست شود کاری ز درون جان تو می‌باید کز عاریه‌ها ترا دری نگشاید یک چشمه‌ی آب از درون خانه به زان جویی که آن ز بیرون آید
How the princes, having bidden the King farewell, set out on a journey through their father’s empire, and how the King repeated his injunctions at the moment of farewell.
روان شدن شه‌زادگان در ممالک پدر بعد از وداع کردن ایشان شاه را و اعادت کردن شاه وقت وداع وصیت را الی آخره
How the Sultan’s sons went to the forbidden fortress, inasmuch as man eagerly covets that which he is refused “We rendered our service, but thy evil nature could not buy the servant (could not profit by the service that we rendered).” They trod all their father’s injunctions and counsels underfoot, so that they fell into the pit of tribulation, and their reproachful souls (consciences) were saying to them, “Did not a warner come to you?” while they, weeping and contrite, replied, “If we had been wont to hearken or understand we should not have been among those who dwell in the flaming Fire.”
رفتن پسران سلطان به حکم آنک الانسان حریص علی ما منع ما بندگی خویش نمودیم ولیکن خوی بد تو بنده ندانست خریدن به سوی آن قلعه‌ی ممنوع عنه آن همه وصیت‌ها و اندرزهای پدر را زیر پا نهادند تا در چاه بلا افتادند و می‌گفتند ایشان را نفوس لوامه الم یاتکم نذیر ایشان می‌گفتند گریان و پشیمان لوکنا نسمع او نعقل ماکنا فی اصحاب السعیر
How in the pavilion of the fortress adorned with pictures they (the princes) saw a portrait of the daughter of the King of China and how all three lost their senses and fell into distraction and made inquiries, asking, “Whose portrait is this?”
دیدن ایشان در قصر این قلعه‌ی ذات الصور نقش روی دختر شاه چین را و بیهوش شدن هر سه و در فتنه افتادن و تفحص کردن کی این صورت کیست
Story of the Sadr-i Jahán of Bukhárá. (It was his custom that) any beggar who begged with his tongue was excluded from his universal and unstinted charity. A certain poor savant, forgetting (this rule) and being excessively eager and in a hurry, begged (alms) with his tongue (while the Sadr was passing) amidst his cavalcade. The Sadr-i Jahán averted his face from him, and (though) he contrived a new trick every day and disguised himself, now as a woman veiled in a chádar and now as a blind man with bandaged eyes and face, he (the Sadr) always had discernment enough to recognize him, etc.
حکایت صدر جهان بخارا کی هر سایلی کی به زبان بخواستی از صدقه‌ی عام بی‌دریغ او محروم شدی و آن دانشمند درویش به فراموشی و فرط حرص و تعجیل به زبان بخواست در موکب صدر جهان از وی رو بگردانید و او هر روز حیله‌ی نو ساختی و خود را گاه زن کردی زیر چادر وگاه نابینا کردی و چشم و روی خود بسته به فراستش بشناختی الی آخره
Story of two brothers, one of whom had a few hairs on his chin while the other was a beardless boy. They went to sleep in a house for celibates. One night, as it happened, the boy lateribus congestis nates obtexit. Denique paedicator adrepsit, lateres ab ejus tergo callide et molliter summovit. [One night, as it happened, the boy piled bricks on his buttocks (as protection). At length, a crawler (sodomizer) crept (near) and craftily and softly took off the bricks from behind him.] The boy awoke and began to quarrel, saying, “Where are these bricks? Where have you taken them to? Why did you take them?” He replied, “Why did you put these bricks there?” etc.
حکایت آن دو برادر یکی کوسه و یکی امرد در عزب خانه‌ای خفتند شبی اتفاقا امرد خشت‌ها بر مقعد خود انبار کرد عاقبت دباب دب آورد و آن خشت‌ها را به حیله و نرمی از پس او برداشت کودک بیدار شد به جنگ کی این خشت‌ها کو کجا بردی و چرا بردی او گفت تو این خشت‌ها را چرا نهادی الی آخره
Commentary on the Tradition that Mustafá (Mohammed) the blessings of God be upon him! said, “There are two greedy ones who will never be satisfied: the seeker of the present world and the seeker of knowledge.” This “knowledge” must be different from “knowledge of the present world,” in order that there may be the two (separate) classes (mentioned in the Tradition); but “knowledge of the present world” is just the same (in effect) as “the present world,” etc.; and if it (the double phrase used above) be equivalent to “the seeker of the present world and the seeker of the present world,” that would be repetition, not division (into two categories). With the exposition thereof.
در تفسیر این خبر کی مصطفی صلوات‌الله علیه فرمود منهومان لا یشبعان طالب الدنیا و طالب العلم کی این علم غیر علم دنیا باید تا دو قسم باشد اما علم دنیا هم دنیا باشد الی آخره و اگر هم‌چنین شود کی طالب الدنیا و طالب الدنیا تکرار بود نه تقسیم مع تقریره
How the three princes discussed the (best) plan to adopt in view of what had occurred.
بحث کردن آن سه شه‌زاده در تدبیر آن واقعه
The discourse of the eldest brother.
مقالت برادر بزرگین
Anecdote of a king who brought a learned doctor into his banquet-hall by force and made him sit down. (When) the cup-bearer offered him wine and held out the goblet to him, the doctor averted his face and began to look sour and behave rudely. The king said to the cup-bearer, “Come, put him in a good humour.” The cup-bearer beat him on the head several times and made him drink the wine, etc.
ذکر آن پادشاه که آن دانشمند را به اکراه در مجلس آورد و بنشاند ساقی شراب بر دانشمند عرضه کرد ساغر پیش او داشت رو بگردانید و ترشی و تندی آغاز کرد شاه ساقی را گفت کی هین در طبعش آر ساقی چندی بر سرش کوفت و شرابش در خورد داد الی آخره
How, after full discussion and debate, the princes set out for the province of China towards their beloved and the object (of their desire), in order that they might be as near as possible to that object; (for) although the way to union is barred, ’tis praiseworthy to approach as near as is possible.
روان گشتن شاه‌زادگان بعد از تمام بحث و ماجرا به جانب ولایت چین سوی معشوق و مقصود تا به قدر امکان به مقصود نزدیک‌تر باشند اگر چه راه وصل مسدودست به قدر امکان نزدیک‌تر شدن محمودست الی آخره
Story of Imra’u ’l-Qays, who was the king of the Arabs and exceedingly handsome: he was the Joseph of his time, and the Arab women were desperately in love with him, like Zalíkhá (with Joseph). He had the poetic genius (and composed the ode beginning) “Halt, let us weep in memory of a beloved and a dwelling-place.” Since all the women desired him with (heart and) soul, one may well wonder what was the object of his love-songs and lamentations. Surely he knew that all these (beauteous forms) are copies of a (unique) picture which have been drawn (by the Artist) on frames of earth. At last there came to this Imra’u ’l-Qays such a (spiritual) experience that in the middle of the night he fled from his kingdom and children and concealed himself in the garb of a dervish and wandered from that clime to another clime in search of Him who transcends all climes: “He chooseth for His mercy whom He will”; and so forth.
حکایت امرء القیس کی پادشاه عرب بود و به صورت عظیم به جمال بود یوسف وقت خود بود و زنان عرب چون زلیخا مرده‌ی او و او شاعر طبع قفا نبک من ذکری حبیب و منزل چون همه زنان او را به جان می‌جستند ای عجب غزل او و ناله‌ی او بهر چه بود مگر دانست کی این‌ها همه تمثال صورتی‌اند کی بر تخته‌های خاک نقش کرده‌اند عاقبت این امرء القیس را حالی پیدا شد کی نیم‌شب از ملک و فرزند گریخت و خود را در دلقی پنهان کرد و از آن اقلیم به اقلیم دیگر رفت در طلب آن کس کی از اقلیم منزه است یختص برحمته من یشاء الی آخره
How, after they had stayed in hiding and tarried patiently for a long while in the capital of China, where the Emperor was enthroned, the eldest (brother) lost patience and said, “Farewell! I will go and present myself to the King. Either my feet will bring me to the object of my quest, or I will lose my head there as (I have already lost) my heart” (The Persian translation of this Arabic verse is): “Either my feet will bring me to the object of my quest and desire, or I will give away my head there as (I have given away) my heart”— and how the good advice of his brothers was of no avail. “O thou that chidest those in love, let them alone! How shouldst thou direct a band which God has led astray?” And so forth.
بعد مکث ایشان متواری در بلاد چین در شهر تختگاه و بعد دراز شدن صبر بی‌صبر شدن آن بزرگین کی من رفتم الوداع خود را بر شاه عرضه کنم اما قدمی تنیلنی مقصودی او القی راسی کفادی ثم یا پای رساندم به مقصود و مراد یا سر بنهم هم‌چو دل از دست آن‌جا و نصیحت برادران او را سود ناداشتن یا عاذل العاشقین دع فة اضلها الله کیف ترشدها الی آخره
Setting forth (the case of) the earnest seeker who does not refrain from exerting himself to the utmost, although he knows that the amplitude of God’s bounty may cause the object of his desire to reach him from a different quarter and by means of work of a different kind which he has never imagined; but since all his thoughts and hopes are fixed on this particular method (of attaining his object), he continues to knock at this same door, (knowing that) maybe God most High will cause his appointed portion to reach him through some other door which he has not foreseen, ‘and will provide for him from a quarter on which he does not reckon’—‘Man proposes but God disposes.’ And, (again), a slave (of God) may conceive, as beseems a slave, that although he keeps knocking at this (particular) door he will be supplied from another door; and (nevertheless) God most High may cause his portion to reach him through this very door (at which he is knocking). In short, all these (doors) are the doors of one Palace. And the exposition thereof.
بیان مجاهد کی دست از مجاهده باز ندارد اگر چه داند بسطت عطاء حق را کی آن مقصود از طرف دیگر و به سبب نوع عمل دیگر بدو رساند کی در وهم او نبوده باشد او همه وهم و اومید درین طریق معین بسته باشد حلقه‌ی همین در می‌زند بوک حق تعالی آن روزی را از در دیگر بدو رساند کی او آن تدبیر نکرده باشد و یرزقه من حیث لا یحتسب العبد یدبر والله یقدر و بود کی بنده را وهم بندگی بود کی مرا از غیر این در برساند اگر چه من حلقه‌ی این در می‌زنم حق تعالی او را هم ازین در روزی رساند فی‌الجمله این همه درهای یکی سرایست مع تقریره
Story of the person who dreamed that his hopes of opulence would be fulfilled in Cairo, and that there was a treasure (buried) in a certain house in a certain quarter of that city. When he came to Cairo, some one said to him, “I have dreamed of a treasure in such and such a quarter and such and such a house in Baghdád”; and he named the quarter and house in which this person lived. The latter perceived, however, that the information concerning the treasure in Cairo had been given to him (in his dream) in order to make him realise that, (although) he must not seek anywhere but in his own house, this treasure would really and truly be gained only in Cairo.
حکایت آن شخص کی خواب دید کی آنچ می‌طلبی از یسار به مصر وفا شود آنجا گنجیست در فلان محله در فلان خانه چون به مصر آمد کسی گفت من خواب دیده‌ایم کی گنجیست به بغداد در فلان محله در فلان خانه نام محله و خانه‌ی این شخص بگفت آن شخص فهم کرد کی آن گنج در مصر گفتن جهت آن بود کی مرا یقین کنند کی در غیر خانه‌ی خود نمی‌باید جستن ولیکن این گنج یقین و محقق جز در مصر حاصل نشود
The reason why the answer to the true believer’s prayer is delayed.
سبب تاخیر اجابت دعای ممن
Returning to the Story of the person who was given a clue to the treasure (buried) at Cairo, and setting forth his supplication to God on account of his poverty.
رجوع کردن به قصه‌ی آن شخص کی به او گنج نشان دادند به مصر و بیان تضرع او از درویشی به حضرت حق
How that person returned (to Baghdád) rejoicing and successful and giving thanks to God and prostrating himself (in prayer) and amazed at the wondrous indications vouchsafed (to him) by God and the coming to light of the interpretations thereof in a way that no mind and understanding can conceive.
بازگشتن آن شخص شادمان و مراد یافته و خدای را شکر گویان و سجده کنان و حیران در غرایب اشارات حق و ظهور تاویلات آن در وجهی کی هیچ عقلی و فهمی بدانجا نرسد
How that person arrived at Cairo and at night came out into the street to play the mendicant and beg, and how he was arrested by the night-patrol and after having been soundly beaten succeeded through him in gaining his object. “And it may be that ye loathe a thing though it is better for you”; and as God most High hath (also) said, “God will surely vouchsafe after hardship ease”; and as God most High hath said, “Lo, with hardship goeth ease”; and as he (the Prophet), on whom be peace, hath said, “O year of drought, become severe, and then thou wilt pass away.” And the whole of the Qur’án and all the Revealed Books confirm this.
رسیدن آن شخص به مصر و شب بیرون آمدن به کوی از بهر شبکوکی و گدایی و گرفتن عسس او را و مراد اوحاصل شدن از عسس بعد از خوردن زخم بسیار و عسی ان تکرهوا شیا و هو خیر لکم و قوله تعالی سیجعل الله بعد عسر یسرا و قوله علیه‌السلام اشتدی ازمة تنفرجی و جمیع القرآن و الکتب المنزلة فی تقریر هذا
Explaining the Tradition (of the Prophet), “Falsehood causes suspicion, while veracity inspires confidence.”
بیان این خبر کی الکذب ریبة والصدق طمانینة
How the (two) brothers repeated their advice to the eldest, and how he was unable to endure it and ran away from them and went off, frenzied and beside himself, and rushed into the King’s audience-chamber without asking permission; but (this was) from excess of passionate love, not from disrespect and recklessness, etc.
مکرر کردن برادران پند دادن بزرگین را و تاب ناآوردن او آن پند را و در رمیدن او ازیشان شیدا و بی‌خود رفتن و خود را در بارگاه پادشاه انداختن بی‌دستوری خواستن لیک از فرط عشق و محبت نه از گستاخی و لاابالی الی آخره
How a cadi was infatuated with the wife of Júhí and remained (hidden) in a chest, and how the cadi’s deputy purchased the chest; and how next year (when) Júhí’s wife came again, hoping to play the same trick (which had succeeded) last year, the cadi said (to her), “Set me free and seek some one else”; and so on to the end of the story.
مفتون شدن قاضی بر زن جوحی و در صندوق ماندن و نایب قاضی صندوق را خریدن باز سال دوم آمدن زن جوحی بر امید بازی پارینه و گفتن قاضی کی مرا آزاد کن و کسی دیگر را بجوی الی آخر القصه
How the cadi went to the house of Júhí’s wife, and how Júhí knocked angrily at the door, and how the cadi took refuge in a chest, etc.
رفتن قاضی به خانه‌ی زن جوحی و حلقه زدن جوحی به خشم بر در و گریختن قاضی در صندوقی الی آخره
The arrival of the cadi’s deputy in the bazaar and his purchase of the chest from Júhí, etc.
آمدن نایب قاضی میان بازار و خریداری کردن صندوق را از جوحی الی آخره
Expounding the Tradition that Mustafá (Mohammed) said, the blessings of God be upon him: “When I am the protector of any one, ‘Alí too is his protector,” so that the Hypocrites asked sarcastically, “Was not he satisfied with the obedience and service rendered by us to himself that he bids us render the same service to a snivelling child?” etc.
در تفسیر این خبر کی مصطفی صلوات‌الله علیه فرمود من کنت مولاه فعلی مولاه تا منافقان طعنه زدند کی بس نبودش کی ما مطیعی و چاکری نمودیم او را چاکری کودکی خلم آلودمان هم می‌فرماید الی آخره
How next year Júhí’s wife returned to the court of the cadi, hoping for the same contribution (of money) as last year, and how the cadi recognised her, and so on to the end of the story.
باز آمدن زن جوحی به محکمه‌ی قاضی سال دوم بر امید وظیفه‌ی پارسال و شناختن قاضی او را الی اتمامه

Resuming the explanation of the Story of the (eldest) prince and his constant attendance at the court of the King.
باز آمدن به شرح قصه‌ی شاه‌زاده و ملازمت او در حضرت شاه
Setting forth how Hell will say, when the Bridge Sirát is (laid) over it (at the Resurrection), “O believer, pass more quickly across the Sirát! Quick, make haste, lest the greatness of thy light put out my fire,” (according to the Tradition), “Pass, O believer, for lo, thy light hath extinguished my fire.”
در بیان آنک دوزخ گوید کی قنطره‌ی صراط بر سر اوست ای ممن از صراط زودتر بگذر زود بشتاب تا عظمت نور تو آتش ما را نکشد جز یا ممن فان نورک اطفاء ناری
The death of the eldest prince, and how the middle brother came to his funeral for the youngest was confined to his bed by illness; and how the King treated the middle brother with great affection, so that he too was crippled (captivated) by his kindness; (and how) he remained with the King, and a hundred thousand spoils (precious gifts), from the unseen and visible worlds, were conferred upon him by the fortune and favour of the King; with an exposition of some part thereof.
متوفی شدن بزرگین از شه‌زادگان و آمدن برادر میانین به جنازه‌ی برادر کی آن کوچکین صاحب‌فراش بود از رنجوری و نواختن پادشاه میانین را تا او هم لنگ احسان شد ماند پیش پادشاه صد هزار از غنایم غیبی و غنی بدو رسید از دولت و نظر آن شاه مع تقریر بعضه
(Concerning) the vicious distempered thoughts that arose in the prince in consequence of the (spiritual) self-sufficiency and illumination with which his heart had been endowed by the King: how he proceeded to show ingratitude and rebelliousness, and how the King, being made aware of it in an inspired and mysterious manner, was pained at heart and, though outwardly unconscious (of it), dealt his (the prince’s) spirit a (mortal) wound, etc.
وسوسه‌ای کی پادشاه‌زاده را پیدا شد از سبب استغنایی و کشفی کی از شاه دل او را حاصل شده بود و قصد ناشکری و سرکشی می‌کرد شاه را از راه الهام و سر شاه را خبر شد دلش درد کرد روح او را زخمی زد چنانک صورت شاه را خبر نبود الی آخره
How God addressed Azrael, saying, “Of all these creatures whose souls thou hast seized, whom didst thou pity most?” and the answer given by Azrael to the Lord.
خطاب حق تعالی به عزرائیل علیه‌السلام کی ترا رحم بر کی بیشتر آمد ازین خلایق کی جانشان قبض کردی و جواب دادن عزرائیل حضرت را
The miracles of Shaybán Rá‘í, may God sanctify his venerable spirit!
کرامات شیخ شیبان راعی قدس الله روحه العزیز
Resuming the Story of the most High God’s bringing up Nimrod in his childhood without the intervention of mother and nurse.
رجوع کردن به قصه‌ی پروردن حق تعالی نمرود را بی‌واسطه‌ی مادر و دایه در طفلی
Returning to the Story of the prince who was smitten by a (mortal) blow from the heart of the King and departed from this world before he was fully endowed with the other (spiritual) excellences.
رجوع کردن بدان قصه کی شاه‌زاده بدان طغیان زخم خورد از خاطر شاه پیش از استکمال فضایل دیگر از دنیا برفت
The injunctions given by a certain person that after he died his property should be inherited by whichever of his three sons was the laziest.
وصیت کردن آن شخص کی بعد از من او برد مال مرا از سه فرزند من کی کاهل‌ترست



What people say about "Masnavi-Book 6 مثنوی دفتر ششم"?

  1. Assalamualaikum sir,
    I read first book of Rumi. Honestly it is one of the most fine art.

    Sir, I want to know that, is volume 6 of Masnavi is incomplete work of rumi. If yes, then how?
    Please answer me sir.

    • Salaam Farhan,
      The sixth and final book would remain incomplete. Some scholars believe that in addition to the incomplete work of Book 6, there might be a seventh volume.

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